You’ve Hurt Me So Much

You’ve hurt me so much.
Caused me great pain,
That I cannot just ignore, anymore.
It all hurts and I don’t care. I exile myself from you.
My best friend, my family,
I truly love you and care.
But I cannot hurt anymore and so I banish myself.

You may think, what I said was the alcohol,
But it far exceeded that,
Goes back to the root of us.
Breaks me over and over.
And I cannot be bothered.
So I choose,
Willingly, reluctantly,
To leave.
To close that past behind me.
To burn the path I once walked.
To put the final words on that page.

It all,
In retrospective,
Feels such a lie,
One I told,
To see the best,
As I do for all.
But I’m tired of building a lie to make the truth bareable.
So I choose,
Make this choice,
To banish myself,
To leave.

The worst thing about clarity,
Is that you may see,
What you do not wish to.
Seeing it all laid out bare,
And I finally accept.
Though I don’t want to.

Those last two nights,
Showed me the truth,
Showed me the pain I had been hiding from myself.

The pain I hid deep to escape the pain.
It worked, for a while.
However a lie can never last forever.
It fades.
And what is left, is worse because of the lie.
Making it all, just that.
A lie I spun.

I never expected this,
But also did.
Knowing the pain,
Seeing it,
Knowing my mind truly,
Knowing this was building the end.
How a lie built will collapse,
How a lie, is the surest way to an end.

You just showed me why,
Showed me the end chapter.
Showed me why.
And all I can do is accept it.
I’m fine,
Killing the feeling makes it easier,
A little sad,
But not breaking,
But freeing.
Knowing the pain is justified.
And I’m tired, of just living the lie.
Those nights showed me.

They showed me the timeline laid out bare,
The hurt and pain,
Covered by a lie.

The pain, holding my face to the flames,
But I closed my eyes,
Just not to see.
Now I open my eyes,
To my burnt skin, peeling, ravaged.
It makes the end easier, seeing the grave dug by my own hand,
The burns all of my own creation.
It truly makes it easier,
Reluctance due, I guess to a lie I held so long.

But holding on only lasts so long.
I’m used to being alone and sad.
I can get used to it again.
I can cut myself off,
Getting used to the emptiness.
Embracing and letting it give me a life,
Whatever it may be.
Bringing the pain through pain.
But I’ve always known, but never wanted to.
I should have known,
It would end this way.

This isn’t the first,
Time I’ve tried to leave,
Each a moment of clarity,
As my mind pulls my soul away,
Grabbing my
face away from the flames.
Before taking the plunge.

But now,
The exhaustion,
The death of feeling,
The death of a life wanted but not had.
Meant I can now close,
Without regret, because the path was leading to here.
It always was and I’m fine with this.

It’s the path that was to be taken.

Writing this, thinking, about my best friend, they hurt me so much recently on the two nights out we’ve ha. And to think I was so looking forward to ganging our with them more, to seeing them more and having amazing times. It is exactly this which has done the opposite, made me not want to see them. It hurts. It’s just shown me pain. Worse still, is the contrast the want and shown the opposite. I know where this had to lead. Where it had to before, but I never walked the path. Now I’m too tired to bother lying to myself, to pretending otherwise, I barely have enough energy for anything I have to do than to create a whole other self to try and be happy and think it worth it and lie to myself. It takes the amount of energy to live to do that, duplicating the mind and altering some features, such as the lie to switch into. But I’m too tired for that. Barely holding onto my ‘own’ self than to create another with features that I wanted to have. Even now thinking of plans, things I wanted to chat about, all sorts of stuff all sorts of stuff, all of it. But now I’m just tired and don’t even feel like any of it. Don’t want to. The last two nights out have shown me it, and I am surprised how they have done all that. Done what I thought not possible. I’m just too tired to bother.

I will miss it, will always care, will miss the plans made but left unfulfilled, but with the latter, they were all either lies or built upon them anyway I guess I should hardly be surprised that a house built on quicksand would not last. But surprised I still am. All of the self harm recently especially has been around this. Knowing but not wanting to m is. Seeing more, but it being what I did not want. I must have I guess built a lie, and only when seeing, you see that what I thought was not there. That’s the thing about the truth, living, and science, you can believe what you want. By when it’s shown you can either just lie or accept what you are seeing to be true.

I Can’t Decide

I can’t decide,
What I feel.
Angry, sad or happy,
To feel such bliss and care.
To be opened up, when I had lost.
To open up.
My heart. Closed to the world.
Having given up.

And then,
Opened up.
Shown light and care.
Given me my best moments in my life,
Making me comfortable in my own skin,
In my own life.

To be dashed and changed.
Where I do not know.
Do not know what happened.
A crazy time of changes.
A time that has, no matter what,
Changed my life.

The question I ask,
The thing I cannot decide.
Do I regret this?
Do I?

The life to be taken away, the sight of what is true,
When all is okay,
I even asked myself during that time.
Why is everything so good?
In every way,
Finally feeling alive.
Okay with me, myself and living in my skin.

But to be taken away.

I say I cannot decide,
Because I do not want to.

But I’ve always known,
Will always know.
I do not regret.

It’s given me everything.
I can drop dead happy.
Knowing I lived a happy life,
Even if it was only for one month.

Better to leave it alive and kind,
That tainted with hardship.
But too late for that now.
Too late.
Broken heart,
Broken life,
Broken dreams and crushed underfoot.

Now nothing’s left,
But a facade,
One I keep,
For me as much as for you.
For this I’m the most sorry of all,
For myself,
How this goes.

Feel Myself Slipping

Feel myself slipping,
Breaking and falling,
As I’m thinking and thinking,

Feeling the feelings and memories slipping.
Not knowing if I should let it die.
Let my happiness die.
Leave it by the wayside.
Not knowing if it’ll be found ever again.
With nothing but hope left,
Hope that’s been long dead.
Even before I found.

But I don’t know.
Don’t know what to do,
To think,
And my brain bipolar.
Thoughts switching moods in an instant.
Breaking me apart,
My mind,
Cannot cope with the feelings,
The change.
The erratic shifts.

But I.
Cannot see.
All I can do is try.
Long after I’ve given up.
So I just go on,
Hoping my body will try.
To keep going.

All I have left,
Is the loss and pain.

I have lost.
Lost at this game.
Even the pretense,
My game of pretend,
The lie I convinced myself,
In order to convince others,
I cannot play anymore.
It takes too much.

This mood,
Takes too much out of me,
Just living,
Before doing what I need,
In order to live.

But yes.
The small moments.
A song comes on,
A thought pops in my mind’s eye.
May give a little hope,
But I see it all for what it is.
Have seen for years now,
But not wanting to ‘know’.
A false pretend,
The creation, living within,
An alternative reality within my head.

For most my life now,
I spend more time,
Living in a world within my head.
To escape the pain of life.
All happy times but one,
Only exist within my mind.
Leaving reality behind.

But even that last one,
The last bastion of happiness,
Living within reality,
Now, also, only lives within my mind.
In my memories,
My memories of a time.

Today, mixed, not the worst, but still. Nice seeing people care, my skills and achievements. But when I think of it, none of it feels like it matters. Just empty. But not the worst day ever, so that’s something?

Bid Goodbye To That Time

I bid goodbye,
Goodbye to that time,
A fond memory,
Being there and only wanting to stay.
But having to go,
Daily life calling,
But wanting time to stop,
To be in that moment.
I regret having passed.
But you bid me goodbye,
A fond memory,
The time,
Where you stayed,
To send me off.

I remember, but know it’s passed,
I have to learn to live with this.

Learn that the best times,
Are only a memory,
Only alive within my mind.
And there, they stay.

Feeling the loss,
The only time I truly lived,
Truly was alive,
All good surrounding me.
But was even that a lie?

I hope not.
I’ll try to believe not.
And on I go,
Not wanting anymore.

Losing The Time Piece By Piece

Losing it, piece by piece,
Motivation for everything,
The hope, the will trying to be better and better.
It all hitting home hard.

The lose of this object,
Imbued with so much.
An object of happiness, pain, hardship, betterment and hope.

A sign, while also holding,
Onto the memories,
They drift slowly,
Slowly and slowly out of my mind.
Memories I kept dear, oh I kept so dear.

I tried.
Have been making strides, great strides,
To be better and better,
Slowly getting better,
Then one by one,
The situations I’ve faced and faced.
Crush my spirit again and again.
Over and over.

I have tried so hard.
So very hard.
To find and be happy,
To find worth in life.
To find the beauty in all that could be seen and felt.
I made progress,
And then the world crushes every glimmer.

Again and again,
I’m crushed under the weight.
How many more steps can I go till I stop.
How much more can I take?
Before losing too much to take.
I don’t know.
Have I reached the limit already.

Dread from every moment conscious and breathing.
Knowing every step I take,
Is followed by a blow.
To my heart, my mind and soul.

I tried,
I tried so hard.
I gor so far. I went and went.
But it doesn’t matter. Life always crushes me so.

Always just pretending to be okay,
Pretending I can cope.

I am trying so hard.
But when making progress.
I am crushed.
Over and over.

That I want it just to end.

The pain of living, breathing, trying only to be knocked back.
Crushed under the weight of life.

I tried.
Want to find the will to try again.
I don’t know how anyone does it.
To continue and try.

I’ve suffered at the hands of my demons for so very long.

So so very long over a decade now,
It’s not all been bad,
I’ve tried to live, to care about all those I meet.
To live my best life.
To try and bring help to others when so lost.
I end up just so very alone.
In a world where I’m dead in the mind, but alive in body.

No one understands,
This object held so dear,
Worn everyday for so long.
Imbued it with hope, positivity, and overcoming hardship,
It meant the world.
And I didn’t even know,
Until I lost it.
It reminded me,
Life, positivity,
Being thinking and trying.
But now.

After it all,
For so much, so long.
I have lost.

How can I move on?
Having lost an object,
Formed, imbued, in the best memories I’ve had in life,
It kept those times alive,
Long past when the times themselves faded.
Long past they faded.

How long till I fade?
Every glimmer and shine?
Every but of positivity in a world that just crushes me.

How long?
Has the time already come?
Was this the last time?
The last bit,
The loss of everything,
Past, present and future.
All this in an object,
Like noone else will understand.

Today’s been so rough. Felt alright going out to take photos. Lost my ring. It held so much sentimental value. I stayed and looked for it for two hours before the last bus for a long trip home.

Also getting sick with sinus pain. Stopped smoking for a month and bought a pack after losing the ring. Thinking of re ring a metal detector and going back next weekend to try again and find it.

I feel I’m losing the memories since losing the ring.

I’ve been trying so hard; putting the past behind me, eating better, trying to be better in so many ways. And since all this effort to be better, more than I’ve ever tried. It’s been one thing after another without break. Worse than any other time. Feel empty, lost, without everything. And I’ve been trying and it’s all being lost. Everything’s fading. I hate it. I’ve been trying! And I’m losing everything!

I tried. I really really tried. I tried and things have only gotten worse after getting a little better briefly. Losing this ring has really really hit me hard.

Feel so dead while being conscious and seeing this myself.

I’m sick and tired of it all. I’ve tried so hard every day. Again and again. Pushing against everything and it all pushes back tenfold.

Going to be truly honest like I havn’t in almost a year on here.

I’ve had reason recently to improve my mental health, life and living more than any other time in my life.

I’ve been living without a bed in my flat for a year, due to finances and the bigger reason; not wanting to commit to large items, not wanting to ‘get comfortable’ in the city in which I live. Because I didn’t know if I wanted to stay. Didn’t want to commit. I’ve finally had a bed for a few weeks now, but have been sleeping worse than the whole year without because, well, I don’t entirely know. My mental health.

I’ve been eating better, I know how to cook, always have since I was a kid, never bothered cooking unless I had a friend coming over, because why do it just for me? Why bother more than sustenence to live, to survive. Maybe this had impacted my mental health, but now eating better it’s all gotten worse? So what now?

I’ve tried to improve personal aspects like through mindfulness, it worked somewhat until recently, like the last week or 2. Been doing it every weekday after work. To calm. To put things into perspective. Because I’d ran out of every other option. Every other thing to try. Counselling hasn’t worked the last 3 times I tried. It helps so long as I’m in the session, and when I leave the room it was like I was never in there. With my work program for counselling and phone service, it’s the same story, the phone is put down and it’s back to before the call. Almost like talking to people, I can fake happy, and believe I am, for the sake of the pretend. And as soon as we stop chatting then its back to sadness.

Even with mindfulness I’ve tried to spin things positivly, like losing the ring, I thought maybe it’s good to lose the object, and embrace the memories more into my mind, or even to attach it to an association like a song or something, like my necklace to keep the memories and associations by reimbueing them into another item harder to be lost. Or eveb just into my mind more fully and easier to recall. But no. I realised as I feel I’m losing the memories. Or even trying to spin it’s maybe good to lose those memories. But again, no. The memories with that worthless object, one priceless to me. Represent the only time I’ve ever been truly happy, truly content, at peace with me, everything, everyone, and my place in the world. The only time in 23 years. So, how am I to say ‘yes’ to just forgetting that? Even writing this is making me cry. It’s pathetic? Probably, hurting myself makes it feel a bit ‘better’ (not the word I’d use). Even thinking of getting a metal detector and in a week going back, for one last try, to find it. Will truly think on that plan.

Feeling lost in place, without knowing a goal or path in life, I lost Uni, lost academia and the hopes and dreams I had. Don’t know any others, can’t even think of a plan or alternative.

I’m so lonely, lonelier than I ever have been. I’ve made it so far. Did what I didn’t think I could do. Not only did I manage through hard work to start my second year of my Undergrad as I couldn’t afford it until I got my job. It allowed me to continue to 3rd year, it allowed me to do my Masters which I couldn’t afford and struggled with finances to manage it and I did that too. I also then have managed to stay here in this city which I had no idea I could do. Didn’t think it possible. But now? No path so Uni left me in the past, adrift like driftwood. I have friends at work who I don’t see outside of work often, my old friends I never really see at all anymore. So. The city I tried to stay in, has lost everything. I have lost it all. Feeling lonelier than ever. I tried to remedy this with photography. But even that, it’s lonely, it’s done out of pain, it’s a coping mechanism for mental health problems and loneliness. So even writing this all out. I tried everything so hard and it’s all turned out nought. I have been really considering recently to go back where I come from. But even there, I only have one friend, they work most of their time to go on holidays. I’ll have no one. So I’m lonely where ever in the only two places I have ever known. I’ve tried to be better, make the most. But writing this all out, breaks me apart totally. Every effort in my life, shown a failure, or meaningless and I don’t know which is worse. It all laid out. Everything summed up in one phrase, “tried hard, everything, and failed“.

Even writing this post, being totally truthful for some catharsis and honesty, to many things that even I’ve tried to hide from myself.

Recently I have truly tried. Truly. More than in my whole life. I thought writing this may be cathartic, maybe a bit, but it has also put everything into perspective. I’m alone in the world, nothing can help, and everything I’ve done has failed or been meaningless. And I thought I tried hard and the world crushed me before writing all this but. It’s hit home even worse now then.

Truthfully, over the many years, wanting to commit suicide until the recent times being truly happy stopped those thoughts dead in their tracks. Luckily these thoughts haven’t returned fully, trying so hard to keep them at bay. But it’s getting harder with all the aforementioned trying and only pain and emptiness and loneliness as a reward. But back in my 3rd year. I kept tonnes of painkillers by my bedside. Hoping I could. At the worst, I would go out with friends, get drunker than ever, and warp my mind myself to force me over the edge, I know how my mind works and what thought patterns would put me into a spiral to do this. I would hold a terrible situation and force it hard to spiral deeper. But one thing stopped those worst of times. Others I care about, family and most importantly my best friend, someone who it broke me thinking of her reaction. So I stopped everything and wrote poetry. The only reason to be alive, to not cause others pain, and causing myself more. Living, trapped in existence, chained to life by my care and empathy for others. It literally saved my life many a time. But I fear with this loneliness recently, the last thing has been taken away. I fear and don’t know. Can’t even really say fear. I have no idea. I have tried so hard recently, holding on, trying to hold a reason. A reason long dead but I keep it alive in my head to keep on and on trying to be better.

It’s sad to think. This ring meant so much to me. Writing all this, spilling my soul onto the page, truths I’ve never told a soul, one lasting over 5 years, maybe 10. All for a ring? Losing it today. Has laid it all bare before me. Everything I’ve tried, recently more than ever, and I’ve lost it all. Every bit of positivity to look forward and try again. Being lost and lost. Over and over again. I even see in my head, another glimmer to hold on hope. But I don’t even know if I want to grab it. That ring. Meant so much. Held and holds so much for me, in every way. I wore it every day, in the good times and the bad. It gave me hope and reminded me. I need it. I guess I won’t be able to sleep tonight. But I guess that’s the least of my problems.

How can everyone do this? Continue while being crushed by it all? I feel bad as I’m not in the worst situation of all. But, even then I don’t care, if I had that ring I could at least try. Remind myself. Last night I wrote a poem of sadness, but this morning was okay, writing to vent, and even then, I wasn’t feeling bad, just thinking and empty. I don’t know what tomorrow will be like. All I can think about is how to try and find that ring. How can anyone do this? Continue after the world crushes and crushes again and again unceasingly, uncompromisingly and mercilessly.

Song Of A Memory

Song of a memory,
How the song shows,
The past, future and new.

How, why? It all.
I know. I see.
A glimpse of better than ever has been.

I need to know,
Need to see.

Where I can go.

What I need.
To find,
Finally alive.

Having so far. Moved forward.
I could never in my life have seen.

A world of pain behind me,
Where it crushed me.
It tore my world down and broke me.

This song,
This memory.
Has lifted.

This song. Beauty found in a world.
Beautiful moments.
Perfect times.

Remember. Hold. Keep.
Learn. Grow.
This song, of perfection. Of memory.

Been a rough day today, nice night out last night. Late to work, felt shit, it turned everything shit. Everything in totality. Everything just collapsed. Seemed all the progress I’ve made in the last 2 weeks just collapsed. It was horrible. Felt terrible. Everything just crushed everything else.

It changed suddenly, when I listened to my favourite song. I remembered some fond memories. It made everything a bit better, and from then I felt able to use my mindfulness I’ve been doing to keep the terrible thoughts away. And I felt I have made progress in the last week. I’ve had to rip so much apart to get better. I guess. Just so much. So many thoughts, ideas, things that haven’t changed since primary school. It’s been rough doing this. It’s been breaking.

I’ve needed it, and been finally motivated by something I’ve never even experienced before. Changed like I’ve never had before. I’ve probably needed it, losing university was a loss of purpose not studying. Losing most friends, so much that I do photography because it staves away loneliness, I don’t hang out with friends often, so when there’s a night out I have to go and have to bare the cost, on my health, lack of sleep, anything else, actually, this actually sums up my whole life. Only just realised I’ve always had no friends, a few close friends and never see anyone.

University has been the only time that’s changed, having friends you hung out with many days.

It’s hard. It’s always hard. I’m trying. But it’s just so hard. I try. I try. And many times want to give up.

But I’ve found meaning and a reason. At least, a reminder. It’s hard. But yeah.

Wondering On

Wondering on,
I’ve moved so far,
Have grown so much.
But still it hurts.
The feelings.

Knowing what to do, to say,
Or more so, not knowing.

I can just stand,
Hope and be true.
As I, am wondering on.

The times before, the death of you I watched,
Was it my fault? Yours? Or the scars?
Was it all a lie from the start?
All I can do is just, wonder.

Sit and be sad.
Then come to realise,
It doesn’t matter either way.
And I’ll never know.
Or am I just overthinking all of this?
Another thing to the list,
Of what I do not know.
What I can never know.

So all I can do.
Is to sit here in among my thoughts,
In the drowning depths,
Of my memories,
Oh how they were so perfect.
And now, an ocean away.

And I just sit.
Too tired to stand.
But I do,
Against all the odds.

Try to bring myself forth,
To try and be,
To try and see another day.
Even as I wish many times,
My mind just could stop.
All the pain, all the time.
So I numb it,
For a while,
Suppress the feeling with emptiness.

It goes, against my soul,
Against my being,
Wrecks me from the inside,
Piece by piece.
But I continue to try,
To stand strong,

I know I can do this.
But do not know,
Not anymore,
If I want to.
After having seen.
And then.

It’s stupid,
But it has never been to me.
Everything a distraction,
From what I know I will think.
But so I distract.
Until a point,
When no distraction is needed.

But only time will tell.
So for now,
I sit here,
Tired and wondering,
Overthinking and wanting just to know,
Was it all a lie?
In my own imagination?
Was it my change?
Or just watching death before my eyes,
And bring my soul a death with it.
Losing my heart.
Losing my soul,
Losing feeling for anything.

Cathartic writing. Writing rambly stuff but meaningful to me. It isn’t a sad poem, or at least, I don’t feel sad, trying to be better and hence trying to get rid of emotions in my body, bit by bit. Getting rid of the ‘me’ within me.

Or maybe it’s the trying not to feel. That has made me calm even as my soul bleeds through the words on the page and start to bleed.

Let The Soul Adrift

Just to let.
The soul adrift.
Adrift in time,
In place and being.
Just to let it be.
Let it wallow in pain,
To break it down,
And out the rubbyle, build anew.

To break and feel every pain.
To let it feel,
To let it hurt.

To let it fester,
A reminder.
Of the pain.
From every scar.
Every time.
To let your soul suffer,
To let it die,
Over and over, before your very eyes.
To let it break and die.

To let it rage in its death throes.
Another death, another time.
To watch your soul die.
To watch it rage.
Ti watch it slip away.
Into a sea of nothingness.

It’s just another time.
Just another time to die.

Just another time.
Just another life thrown away,
Just as I was learning to live.

But just as with the others,
Just another, time to die.
Just another.

So used to the feeling,
A death worse than death.
Another time felt.
But am I used to it by now?

Another time.
Yet another time.
To feel gone through.

Done Hiding

Done hiding,
Hiding from my past,
My feelings,
My torture.

It drains too much from me.
Kills me inside.
Living a falsehood, a lie.

But I cannot lie no more.
Not even if I wanted to.

I am done.
In every such way.
Done with the hiding,
Done with the pretence.

Done with all the fucking shit.
Everyone with a problem can go check themselves,
Check their fucking minds and lives.
I will not hide mine no more.

I am done.

I’m gonna be me and how I have to be.
Cannot cope with any other alternative anymore.
Not anymore.

Writing this, thinking, I’m tired, tired of hiding myself under a lie I tell everyone else. Tired. If admitting to mental health stuff loses friends then they’re not worthwhile people in my life. I don’t care anymore. 13 years all living a lie, to myself and everyone else. It’s just too tiring now. Hence I wrote a blogpost on a different site for my photography and my mental health.

I had it fully written for a week before posting it to my FB. And the idea I put off writing about for months. Because I was afraid of people thinking “well that guy’s fucked up” or “this isn’t the guy we knew”. Know it might not have been, but it was the truth of me. I was reluctant to write and post this.

Especially seeing people write about mental health openly and feeling trapped and caged so I couldn’t.

I’m just too tired for any of the pretence now, with my mental health I barely have any energy for anything else, without also having to construct a human that’s doing fine on top of all of that.

Imagine the energy to simulate a human functioning fully and positively on a computer. That’s been my brain for 2 years, the real me and a pretend for others to see.

Scared to Lose

Scared to lose.
The feeling,
Feeling in general.
But it’s started.

All empty in place.
Hollow and dead.
In a world passing.
I am unfeeling.
Feeling death.

Trying to grasp to life,
Any feeling to feel alive.

Nothing working.
Everything tried.

But no answer in sight.
No answer given,
I try and try.
I can’t believe.
Life can crush me so.

Only wanting to rage,
To shake life till reality feels.
Shake with my emotions.
To assert I’m alive.
Assert I can be.

But I cannot.
I do not know.
Now anymore.
Anything at all.

I have lost.
Waiting for death.
As I cannot feel anymore anyway.

Nothing I like feels anymore.

So should I break? What is already broken.
Break my mind and soul.
Crush it all as I die.
Rage and protest life.

Letting the fire breathe me into rage. Hate. Because at least I can feel.

Feel rage like I’ve hidden from.
So many years ago.
That decision to value kindness,
Rather than pain.
But look where it’s gotten me.

Pain after pain after pain,
Losing everything,
Losing myself,
Losing every feeling.

So why should I?
I should crush it all.
Break myself,
Until no one can break it anymore.
Broken to dust.
That’s not life.
But that’s all I can get.

But I do not wish for any of it.

But then.

I remember,
Clear as day.
The reason for this pain.
The care,
What I had to give.
What I did.
Feeling alive.
That is all worth it.
It’s worth incarnate.
But was it all a lie?
I do not know.

I do not want to ask the question,
Do not want to remember but also fear forgetting.

My mind cannot decide.
To crush myself for the present,
Or to live only in the past.